Lennart Anderson / by Aaron Michael Thompson


I heard Lennart Anderson's name in a rant by Scott Noel on his first visit to my studio. At the time there was so much information being thrown at me, I honestly think I may have glazed over a little. Now that I am out of grad-school, I have been revisiting all of my notes and Lennart's name kept coming up. So in my research I came across a gem that I thought I would share with you all. The video is of Lennart giving a slide talk in Italy at the Jerusalem Studio School' (would LOVE to study here) summer program at the Certosa di Pontignano in Siena in 2010. The introduction is by Israel Hershberg - Artistic Director & Founder, Jerusalem Studio School, and the video is produced by Painting Perceptions.com (one of my favorite sites!) The  iPhone video footage was by Alex Goldberg and photography by Yehuda Armoni. It is shot in 8 parts here, so put some time aside, and enjoy!